Obsidian ♔1294♔
The word obsidian essentially means “ stone of Obsius .” 📌 Credits: ∝╬══→ Asben - EXC-355 -ROSALI- BLACK ROSE ☆ Stunning dress can be worn with or without long skirt. ☆ This dress can be found instore and on mp. 📌 Urls : ╔═.💋☯💋.════════════╗ 💋✨ Store - http://maos.secondlife.com/secondlife/Asben/196/128/1001 💋✨ Mp - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/213655 💋✨ Flickr - https://www.flickr.com/groups/14849757@N21 💋✨ Flickr - https://www.flickr.com/photos/181917781@N02 💋✨ Fb - https://www.facebook.com/absen.absen.50115 ╚════════════.💋☯💋.═╝ 📌 Credits: ∝╬══→ Heartbeat Human earrings 📌 Credits: ∝╬══→ Heartbeat Garter ☆ Rigged with colour change hud, hide and show features.. Please Try demo. ☆ Both can be found instore and on mp. ☆ 📌 Urls: ╔═.💋☯💋.════════════╗ 💋✨ Store - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/RAWR/43/194/2 💋✨ Mp - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/3600 💋✨ Flickr - https://www.flickr.com/grou...